Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Oh well is the favourite word of the day

Oh well, it’s been a while since I did Pilates. Ok, not a while, it’s been a long time ago actually (in denial). Now I am back doing it as often as time permits. Not that I do not have time at all but I am lazy (again, I am in denial), but not until I noticed that I have huge calves with enormous thighs to boot. Oh man, I know I am exaggerating but as a girl, whining and complaining about my body is part of my job description, right?

Seriously, I do hope and pray that I will fit into my baju raya, which consists of 2 kebayas and 1 baju kurung. I know I will have no problem getting into baju kurung, but I am afraid that I will be too mammoth for my kebaya (see, I am exaggerating and complaining again). I mean, next week, the Muslims will observe one month of Holy Ramadhan, then off to Syawal, or famously known as Hari Raya and usually on the first day of Raya, I always wear my finest baju raya to visit my grandmother. I know some of you may roll your eyes and mutter, “What a show-off!”, to which I am going to reply with, “Kenapa, jeles ke?”. D’uh, of course you will wear new baju raya with new shoes and new handbag when you go visiting, I mean, who doesn’t.

Let’s get back to the story. Lately, when I look at myself in the mirror, I will notice something unpleasant around my waist, thighs and arms. I think they look bigger each passing day (or am I hallucinating?). But the weird thing is, I still can fit into my old clothes. So please tell me, am I losing my mind or am I too obsessed in losing my weight? I want to be lighter, with no junks in the trunk and no cellulite on my thighs and calves. Plus, I want to look good in a bikini when I go island hopping with my sister next year (I just hope that I will not get arrested for indecent exposure, LOL).

Therefore, I make a promise to myself that I will lose weight, have flat abs, long slender legs and arms to match my body by end of this year. Fingers crossed! Toodles!


Not so new to blogging world

Well, hello there. I know no one is going to read this, but nonetheless, I still want to greet those who stumbled upon this blog by accident or those who purposely searching for this blog to know about my uninteresting and uninspiring life (oh well, you know who you are).

To make the story short, this is not my first time blogging and this will not be my first entry, although it is clearly the first entry in this blog (whatever that means). I have been blogging since 2005 using Blogspot until last year that is. I had to shut down the blog due to some private matters. Then I opened an account with Livejournal because I thought Livejournal is way cooler than Blogspot. Guess what, I was wrong. Livejournal is not as user friendly as Blogspot and now I am back here again.

So, some of you people out there may ask, what is my blog about. Honestly, I have no freaking idea on how to categorize my blog. I think there will be a mix of this and a dash of that. I will write everything under the sun, life, music, movies, books, fashion (although I am a fashion victim) and the list goes on. If you expect me to write in perfect and grammatical errorless English, then, I will have to escort you out of here. Oh well, I am only human and I am still in the process of learning. And yes, this blog will be in two, or maybe three languages (after I figure out this whole Chinese Star Word), depends on my mood.

Without wasting my precious time, let me begin my adventure in the writing world… in my second entry. Toodles.
