Saturday, March 12, 2011


I have just finished watching my school band performed their preview concert. It was awesome. Too bad I had to sit alone. I couldn't get enough of the music. One hour is too short but they had to wrap up early as most of the students' parents are already waiting for them. There are 2 guest conductors from Northfolk Music School, came in just to watch and at the same time giving them tips on improving their performance for Wind Orchestra competition next month. I am extremely hungry now but I refuse to eat alone. If my sisters are with me, I might asked them to go to McDonald for supper. Then again, I think I just cook something later. For now, let me just enjoy my time alone.
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

Friday, March 11, 2011

Just testing

I'm trying to post an entry by using my Blackberry. I hope it works as I don't really have time to post by using my notebook. Plus I can post entries wherever I go, even in the toilet when doing business. *wink*

Ms. K
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis