I will always remember a gentleman, who stood outside the elevator of Grand Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam back in 2009. Why? Well, here's my story.
I was instructed to go to a course for newbies at Grand Blue Wave, Shah Alam. It was a 3 or 4 days course & all the newbies from the whole country would be there. With a heavy heart, I packed my bags & went to the course. It was not like I had a choice anyway. I arrived early at the said hotel, registered my name & went to my allocated room to freshen up.
The first slot started at night, so my roommate & I went to the banquet hall, took our seats all the way at the back & listened to the talk. As usual, my eyes started to scan the hall, looking for someone familiar, but I saw none. Towards the end of the first slot, I saw a handsome man, way in front. He was standing up, talking to the person next to him. I was transfixed by his good looking face. Realizing that everyone had gone out of the hall, I immediately put away all my stuff & walked out of the hall, thinking about the handsome man.
Since that night, I always looked forward to the remaining slots because I wanted to see him, the nameless handsome man. I only knew his name on the last slot, when the MC announced placement for each participant. I managed to catch his name. Let me just call him Mr. K.
After the last slot, we parted ways. I went back to my room, took out several important documents & went downstairs to extend my stay at the hotel. I went to the elevator & guess who I saw? Mr. K.!!! He was standing by the elevator, looked like he was waiting for the elevator as well. He asked me whether I wanted to go up or down, I was speechless for a moment before I could mutter a lame answer, "Down.". He pressed the down button & let me into the elevator. I was so mesmerized by him that I forgot to thank him. What a dork. He must thought that I had no manners. *sigh*
When I went back to my room, I looked him up on Facebook. I found him then I added him but I never talked to him. That was until last year, 26 August 2011. It was Report Card day. I talked to a few parents then suddenly I heard a message on my phone. I opened it, to my surprise, it was him, Mr. K.! He was wishing me Happy Eid. At the same time, he asked for my phone number. I replied his message & gave him my number.
He only replied my message after Eid. From that moment onwards, we text each other everyday, wishing each other good night. Once in a while, he will call me 'b', dear, sunshine, which makes me melt. It has been a year since we texted each other. Now we use WhatsApp as it is free & we can talk about a lot of stuff.
I don't know how he feels about me as I never told him about mine. We never talked about us but I hope we have a future together, I really pray for it. To Mr. K., I will always remember a gentleman who stood outside the elevator. :)
*Picture taken from Google.