Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Relationship? No?

Many people have asked me about my relationship status, including my dear beloved mother, and sad to say I have to disappoint each and everyone of them with my non-existent love life. I don't want to pretend to have an imaginary boyfriend just so that I have something to talk about with others. I prefer to come clean and confess that I have been 'riding solo' (Jason Derulo, 2010) for quite sometime now.

I would be lying if I tell you that I never cared about not having someone special in my life. Sometimes, I do feel lonely, especially when I am walking around the shopping mall and seeing couples everywhere. But I never felt that I am a loser, just because I am not in a relationship. 

So how do I cope with this? Well, you can just assume that I am a workaholic. Everyday I will try to bury myself in work so that I won't be thinking about my pathetic love life. Socializing with my friends and students, be proactive, finding something worthwhile to do, such as reading, writing, daydreaming, tending my virtual farm, watching movies which I downloaded, daydreaming again and again and again also help me a lot. 

I haven't really found someone who can truly sweep me off my feet, yet. In the past I have fallen for sweet-talkers who only talk, talk, talk and no action (by action, I don't mean 'bedroom action'). Now, I am so sick of sweet-talkers, so don't sweet-talk me just so that you can get whatever you desire from me cause I might bash you in the head.

My aunt used to ask me, what are the criteria that I look for in a man/future partner? Well, my answer is very simple: tall, dark and handsome (anyone?). Ok, actually I didn't give that answer, I just shrugged the question off. But now, it got me thinking. So, what do I look for in a man/future partner? Here are the criteria, if you want to know. If not, maybe you can go somewhere else.

  1. Tall (taller than me that is)
  2. Not too thin, but not too fat either
  3. Sweet, not too handsome, just sweet looking
  4. Must have sense of humour (no stupid and lame jokes please)
  5. Smells nice, B.O. is a no-no
  6. No facial hair (a nice and trimmed goatee or beard is acceptable)
  7. Hygienic (bath at least three times a day)
  8. Responsible
  9. Religious, so that he can lead me to the right path
  10. Likes to smile
  11. Can be serious, depending on the situation
  12. Respect others
  13. Preferably non-smoker
  14. Most importantly, someone who can take care of me and grow old together
See? I am not that demanding. I am still a simple girl at heart. As long as the man loves me, I will love him back because I am very loyal when it comes to the matter of the heart. Maybe the man is hiding somewhere over the rainbow, but nevertheless, I will keep on waiting and waiting. In the meantime, let me just enjoy my singlehood before it comes to an end, no? ;)


I don't have any idea what to put in the title

I know, I know. In my last post here, I did mentioned that I will try to update my blog as often as I can. But every time when I open it, I would be staring at the blank page, wondering what to write. I don't want to write something lame, like "Today I went out, I ate this, I did that...", you get what I mean. I tried to read as many books as I can, but there is not much that you can get when you are reading chick lit (to me, reading chick lit is merely for pleasure, I don't really think but I imagine a lot, especially on the lovey-dovey and mushy gushy part, I mean who doesn't?).

But then again, giving long and winding excuses is also not an option, especially to me, since I have been blogging since 2005. So there shouldn't be any excuses not to update my blog as often as I can, right? *sigh* Sometimes, I just wish that I can write whatever that comes to my mind with ease, not pausing every other second to check on my farm (virtual farm that is). Well, I guess, a writer wannabe do get writer wannabe's block. Then again, it's not an excuse. See how complicated I can be?

Anyway, I will TRY my best to write anything and everything under the sky, except for something private and offensive. Just wish me luck and pray as hard as you can. ;)


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sweet love story

I found this story from Facebook, but I can't remember from who. A very sweet love story. Don't you wish you have a husband like him?

Bila aku teringat balik cerita nih..aku mesti tergelak sorang-sorang…

Alkisahnya…aku nih ditakdirkanlah kawin dengan sorang mamat nih..ntah dari mana la datangnya…mak aku yang suruh..dia kata budak nih baik la alim la pandai la..lepas tu terus kami kawin.

Masa first time kawin tu, memang kucar kacir gak arr rumah tangga kami..dan yang aku paling tak tahan tu dia memang selalu saja buat aku sakit hati…

Eiiiii…geramnya aku!!!

Mana taknya,aku basuh baju dia sekali la ngan baju aku..then lepas basuh..nak jadi cerita..ada lah plak baju dia yang turun warna melekat kat baju aku….haihhh..memang sakit hati…baju baru kot…mahal lagi!!! Then bila aku tanya dia..kenapalah tak bagitau aku yang baju dia ada yang turun warna..dengan slumber dia kata..

”Lah..awat tak tanya…”

Eiii..geramnya aku!!!

Selang beberapa hari, dia ada ajak aku pi shopping.Ok,fine..aku ikut jer la…weekend la katakan. Lepas tu nak jadi cerita, dia punyalah excited nak pi shopping..sampai aku kalih kalih belakang..HILANG!!..

Aku cari gak dekat dekat area situ kot kot ada tapi memang hampeh…Aku try call, tak lagi pon tak angkat..huhh..tension betul!! Then, aku amik keputusan tunggu kat kereta jer..seminit,..lepas tu dua minit,… lepas tu….SEJAM KOT!! Huhh..memang sakit hati betul!! Then bila dia mai dekat kereta, aku tanya, pegi mana? kenapa call tak angkat??!! Yang aku tak tahan, dia dengan slumber jawab..

“ shopping la sayang…owh..ada call ekk?? Alah..lupa nak bagi tau…terlupa bawa hanset..hehe..”

Eiiii..geramnya aku!!!!

 Seminggu lepas tuh..dia kata teringin nak makan masak ayam berempah dengan masak lemak cili  api.. ok..fine…aku masak jer…Tapi memang la aku nih tak la pandai masak sangat…tapi bolehlah klu setakat nak makan kan..aku hidang bagi dia makan…Masa first time dia suap kat mulut tuh…Aku bajet dia nak kata apa-apa..Tapi dia diam..Memang tak kata apa-apa pon sampai dia habis makan..Habis makan pon tak kata apa..

Aku pon confius…dia ni no respond..sedap ka tak?? Hmm..klu ikut aku la..orang yang masak ni la kan…aku rasa ok jah lah..tapi tak tau la orang yang makan nak kata apa..huhhh…..

Esok plak, time aku on the way nak balik dari tempat keje, kereta aku plak wat hal..tak boleh start..panik gak arr aku time tuh..malam dah nih..nak masuk Isyak dah…haihh..time aku balik keje lewat2 lah keta nak wat hal..then, aku call dia…

Yang aku tak boleh tahan tu..dia dengan slumber kata..

“Lah awat la call saya…call la mekanik…ingat call saya keta awak bleh jalan??….”

Eiii…geramnya aku!!!

Tapi…dia mai jugak lepas tuh…ada lah dia check apa ntah kt depan bonet tuh…dan lepas start…terus boleh…hmmm..dalam hati…aku kata,

“bleh la jugak mamat nih nak diharap…mekanik kecil-kecilan, janji free”…

Satu hari, dia ada bagitau yang dia kena pi outstation kat overseas. Dia kata pi kejap jah…2 MINGGU!!..hmm..aku memang no komen lah…dia nak pi buat keja dia…takkan nak kata tak boleh kot…keja arkitek…biasalah…busy la kot…

Tapi..memang agak sakit hati jugak lah..bleh dia lesap macam tu jah..lepas2 naik flight....kot2 la nak call bagitau dah sampai ka..ada kat mana ka…tapi memang hampeh!!..langsung dia tak call!! Kot2 la nak bagi emel ka..tapi memang tak dak…kosong inbox!!

Eiii…geramnya aku!!!

Pagi tuh..aku basuh baju…ok..sekarang aku dah taw dah baju mana yang turun warna…aku ambik satu persatu dalam bakul nak basuh..sampai la aku jumpa bungkusan misteri dekat bahagian bawah baju-baju tuh…jeng3..huishh..siap dengan surat lagi..

Suratnya berbunyi begini:

Kehadapan isteriku (cewahhh..),

            Semoga berada dalam keadaan yang sihat sentiasa…jangan marah-marah ek..hehe..Saya bukannya apa…saja tulih surat nih..bosan…tak tau nak buat apa…hihi
            Pertama sekali…saya nak bagi tau lah..mungkin awak tak kenal saya..tapi saya kenal jer awak…sejak awak darjah 6 lagi kot!! tak ingat ka anak Pak Mail kawan ayah awak yang mai beraya kat umah awak time tuh??!! …Masa tuh..saya nampak awak dok main masak-masak kat belakang umah…hahaha…memang sangat lucu…saya nampak awak macam 'anak patung'..comel sangat…

Ishkk..awak ni..tak berasan ker??

            Keduanya, sori la pasal hal shopping tuh..memang saja jer saya tak mau bawa hanset time tuh…hihi..takot terkantoi…yer la…saya pi cari baju awak kot!! Ingat baju yang awak kata terkena warna tuh?? Huh…memang tension..susah btul nak cari..memang patut la mahal dan memang patot la awak bengang satu hari…hihi…

            Ketiganya, pasal ayam berempah dengan masak cili api yang awak masak…hmm…mesti awak bengang kan sebab saya no respond…huhu…sebab SEDAPPPP SAAANGAT  sampai saya jadi tak terkata…Eh,saya makan dalam masa 5 minit ja kot..ikut jam dinding kat umah kita…

Ishkk..awak ni..tak berasan ker??

            Keempatnya…time keta awak rosak…hmm..awak tau tak saya CANCELLLL appointment saya dengan klien penting dari overseas sebab nak pi kat awak??!! Lepas2 tuh..jenuh saya nak pujuk diorang balik…Tau tak saya langgar smua traffic light merah!! Baju saya basah dengan peluh masa saya sampai kat awak??

Ishkk..awak ni..tak berasan ker??

            Tapi lepas saya tahu saya kena pi outstation kt overseas..saya lagi seronok…happy glerr..sebab saya tau awak mesti rinduuu kat saya kan..kan2?? Saya memang saja jer tak call awak…hihi…tapi saya ok jah…saya rasa saya dah sampai dah kot lepas awak baca surat nih…

“Wow,look at the Eiffel Tower!! Fuyoo!!! Cantik kot!! “

Hahahahahaaaaaaaa..jangan jeles..(^-^)

            Last but not least…awak..awak jangan nakal-nakal ekk…sebab saya saaaaayang awak…

P/S: Try tengok sama x dengan baju awak yang rosak ari tu “bungkusan” nih…hihi


Friday, October 22, 2010


I am tired beyond words. Too many things to do and too little time. I feel like I have been buried underneath piles of work and there are three more weeks for me to get myself out of the mess. 

End of the year holiday will be spent mostly at home, giving moral supports to my sister, who is going to sit for her SPM later and also celebrating Christmas at my mother's hometown. I can't wait because I haven't been there for quite a long time. Hopefully I'll meet "the one " there. *Fingers crossed* 

On the other note, although I am single and mostly available, but I have been friends with a few guys. We exchange messages through Facebook and a few of them seriously annoyed the hell out of me with their stale jokes. When I say "sense of humour", I don't mean for the guy to tell stupid jokes all the time. It means the guy has to know when is the right time to spontaneously tells his jokes. 

But there's this one particular guy who keeps me entertain with his long messages and I always look forward to read them. He sounds very positive in every message and he has vision. Plus, he is not afraid to try new things, despite having a to-do list. I am beyond impressed with his achievement and philosophy. How I wish I can be as philosophical like  him as well. Then I wouldn't easily give up. He has confidence that others don't and he inspires me to fulfill my job a a chief invigilator during past examination. Truth is, I don't have confidence in myself, but after exchanging messages with him, I managed to do my job without fear. I look forward to hangout with him, that is if we can meet end of this year. This doesn't mean that I love him or whatsoever. I just love getting to know and be with someone so positive.

I guess I better pen off now as I have tons of work to do.Till then.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sometimes they just get on my nerves

I love teaching, although sometime I do complain. I am very enthusiastic if the students are keen to learn. I am willing to do everything for them just as long as they want to gain knowledge. I might not be doing tremendous things but the little things that I did or do for them makes me proud to be in education line. Besides people always say that teaching is a very noble job.

But there is always something unpleasant in every beautiful things. For these two years, I have encountered a few rude and stubborn students who think that they are on top of the world. It makes me feel down at times, especially those who refuse to listen. Like yesterday. I brought my lower form students to study in the library. Suddenly, three upper form students came in and took the newspaper, without their teacher's permission of course.

At first, I let them, just as long as they don't disturb my kids. Then, two of them sat at the table where my kids were doing revision and started to disturb them. I gave them warning but they still continued doing it. I was angry and I told my kids to go to back to their class since they couldn't concentrate on their study anymore.

I was beyond angry so I just kept quiet until the end of the period when I gave them a little advice on how to become "manusia beradab". They really took my words in and they refused to go back. I really admire them because they are willing to study and score good marks for every subject.

I hope they will become better students until they have finished their study as they are the future leaders. But most importantly, I want them to respect others and treat everyone equally.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Movies marathon

I did something extraordinary yesterday with my sister. We watched three, I repeat, THREE movies in one day.

The Switch
Good actor and actress doesn't guarantee the movie will be any good. The plot is predictable, the flow of the story is very slow and there is nothing to look forward to in the movie. In fact, I yawned quite a few times in the cinema. Overall, I give 2/5 stars.

Eat, Pray, Love
This is the movie I have been waiting to watch since early this year. I heard a lot of good reviews about the book. I wanted to buy the book but I always don't have time to read it so I just waited for the movie. But eventually, I bought the book and it is still in the plastic bag. I know, I know. I will read it later. Back to the movie, it has a very simple plot but very insightful. The script is strong and I enjoyed every second of this movie. I am not a very big fan of drama movie but this movie deserves all the 5 out of 5 stars from me. Brilliant!

Charlie St. Cloud
This is a very touching movie. I can't imagine myself losing my siblings and make a promise to meet every sunset. It's mainly about letting go of something. In this case, letting go of a dead brother's spirit. I almost cried when the spirit told Charlie that it loves him and started to walk towards the 'light'. I've never been a fan of Zac Efron but I think he really shines in this movie and he got 4/5 stars from me.

We felt very satisfied and at the same time, my sister and I got to spend time to catch up and trading secrets. Maybe I'll be doing this again next month. Fingers crossed.


10 October 2010

What is so special about 10 October 2010 (10.10.10), apart from it comes only once in a thousand years? To some people, it might be a memorable and meaningful date as many would choose this date to get married, get engaged or perhaps breaking up (not a good way to remember the date).

But to me, it is just an ordinary date, when my life goes on as usual: wake up, hang out with my sisters, kiss my cat, eat, take bath and the list goes on. Nothing special is going on. I am not getting married, getting engaged or breaking up with anyone. I am single and free of all those burden. Even if I have someone, I still won't choose this date to get married because I don't want to share the same wedding anniversary with everyone.

So please don't get too excited over this date because life still goes on as usual and there is really nothing too special about the date.

P/S: By the way, today is World Mental Health Day, so Happy Mental Health Day everyone.


Free goodies

4 October 2010

So yesterday, I went to the shopping mall. Actually I planned to stay at home and relax, maybe mark a few papers a long the way. But I couldn't stop thinking about this particular person and immediately I felt extremely lonely.

Early morning, I called my sister and picked her up around 10. We went to the mall and managed to park near the mall. When we got there, there was a roadshow going on. Without wasting anytime, my sister and I joined the crowd and queued up as well. I just wanted to buy Female and Her World magazine but I couldn't find them at the bookstores.

Around 10.30 am, they opened the counter and I managed to get my magazines and even scored some goodie bags from BluInc. We filled in the lucky draw form and went around to redeem some of the free goodies in the magazines.

We walked around for a bit, I bought two large candles and air freshener. Then at 12.30 pm, we went back to the north court and waited for the lucky draw results. Our names were called and we won RM400 My Diamond shopping vouchers. What a lucky day for us.

After we took the vouchers, we went back and took everything out of the goodie bags. Most of the free gifts were from Lo'real, Maybelline, Biotherm, Revlon and so on. I just let the picture do the talking.                                                                  

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The end

I am going back today. I can't wait.


Thursday, September 16, 2010


Dedicating the whole blog to someone who doesn’t appreciate you for always being there in their lives seems pointless. It’s like waiting for the moon to fall into your lap (ibarat menunggu bulan jatuh ke riba).


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's been a while...

It's been a while since I posted anything in my beloved blog. I'm sorry for abandoning you, my blog. I know there are no excuses to neglect my blog.

So an update of what I did for the past months:

April: I was in a relationship with my ex-boyfriend (we'd broken up before but we tried to get into a relationship again). I tried very hard to understand his 'busy' lifestyle (other than working, he likes to flirt with girls) but I decided I had had enough after he went out with a certified b**** and they flirted openly in his Facebook. So we broke up again. I never wanted to see his face again after the ordeal. I didn't have time to grieve over the lost as I was busy having fun hiking 25 kilometres in the woods and appreciating the nature.

May: Nothing much happened in this month, except that I was busy trying to finish the syllabus and marking exam papers.

June: Holiday month. I got to enjoy 21 days of lazing around the house. Plus, World Cup 2010 started in the mid of June, something which I have been waiting for for the past 4 years. I supported (and is still supporting) Germany, because of Miroslav Klose. I managed to watch most of the games until school started on the 21st June.

July: I have to say that this was the saddest month to me as Germany lost to Spain in semi final. It was the gloomiest day for me, even worst than breaking up with someone. The rest of the month went by uneventfully.

Now it's August. I promise myself that I will update more often (fingers crossed) and maybe try to read as many books as I can to get some inspiration.

Till we meet again...


Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm back

I have been abandoning my blog, but most importantly my passion for writing for a few months, due to emotional distress and lack of awe-inspiring things which happened to me lately. But now I don't care because I love to write and I love to share with everyone about everything under the sun. I may not write everyday (due to other commitment), but I will try to make full use of my blog.

And the writing begins in the next entry...
