Monday, December 26, 2011


The one thing I really despise when I become a part-time student again is presentation. I despise talking in public. I will become extremely nervous, i.e. stomachache, butterflies in the tummy (not in a good way), cold, the urge to vomit will become stronger by each passing minute, sometimes headache, backpain & etc. I don't know if anyone would call that stage fright. I would call it presentation-o-phobia.

But the best thing is, after the presentation, I often feel like the weight has been lifted off my shoulder. A feeling of satisfaction will creep in the moment I say "Thank you for listening" or "Thank you for lending your ears". I will feel like I'm on top of the world. I love the feeling so much and I will not even bother with the marks that I will get. Just being able to present and share my knowledge and opinion with my classmates make me feel excited.

Overall, doing presentation is not so bad at all, especially when you're not thinking about the nauseaness. Trust me.

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